Running multiple servers and (web-)services, sometimes makes it hard to keep track of possible problems and errors. I had the same problem, when I came up with the idea of a centralized online-logfile. Searching the internet revealed tons of logfile applications, also for centralized logfile collection and evaluation. The problem with most of those applications is that they are either not open-source, too advanced and therefore complicated or require an own server instance. I was looking for a simple solution that runs on any webserver and displays log messages that can be reviewed from time to time. And so I sat down and came up with a simple web application, written in PHP and based on a SQLite database. Basically, any application with internet access can add a new entry to the logfile by calling a specific URL. This is especially useful when running Bash scripts performing different tasks, like backups or restarts of devices. The code of the logfile application is available on GitHub.